Alexandra Świgut

Z radością ogłaszamy naszą następną
spektakularne wydarzenie,
Chopin w Transkrypcjiin
Dołącz do Friends of Chopin Australia na piękny wieczór wspaniałej muzyki z Alexandrem Yau (fortepian) i Rachel Siu (wiolonczela) wykonującymi muzykę Chopina na niezrównane połączenie fortepianu i wiolonczeli. Ten zachwycający program obejmuje jedne z najwspanialszych dzieł Chopina na fortepian solo w transkrypcji na fortepian i wiolonczelę, a także własne kompozycje Chopina na fortepian i wiolonczelę, w tym Grand Duo Concertante, który sam w sobie jest transkrypcją tematów z opery Meyerbeera Robert Diabeł.
Po spektaklu zapraszamy na darmowy poczęstunek
i spotkać się z wykonawcami.
Festival Prelude
Kotaro Nagano in Recital
Wesley Music Centre, Canberra
Join us as we welcome Kotaro Nagano back to Canberra for his first recital with the Friends since COVID. Kotaro Nagano was the First Prize Winner and the People’s Choice prizewinner of the 2nd Australian International Chopin Piano Competition 2014, and he has returned to Canberra many times since to give engaging and diverse concerts for the Friends. For this recital Kotaro has created a program of Chopin’s most beautiful and most recognisable works, which is sure to delight and engage young and old alike.
Gala Opening Concert
Ewa Pobłocka in Recital
Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Canberra
Hear Chopin as you’ve never heard him played before, by one of the world’s great Chopinists, Ewa Pobłocka, in the salon of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland, a true cultural experience – Chopin from the heart of Poland.
At the ANU School of Music
Bringing the best of Chopin tuition in the world to Australia to connect pianists and music lovers directly to this magnificent tradition.
While in Canberra Ewa Pobłocka, one of the foremost Chopin specialists and teachers in the world, will share her knowledge with Australian pianists and teachers in a series of Masterclasses over three days. Children, teachers, and elite young performers are encouraged to nominate to attend. Places are limited so please contact the Friends as soon as you are able if you’d like to participate. The Masterclasses will be open to public viewing also, if youd like to gain some insights into how Chopin is taught, and what is behind the music.
There will be four 1 hr Masterclasses per session.
Interactive Live Tour of the Chopin Museum in Warsaw & Concert
Recital by Aleksandra Świgut
James Fairfax Theatre in the National Gallery of Australia
A very unique and special event for our audience. Join us in the beautiful James Fairfax Theatre in the National Gallery of Australia, as we connect live with the Chopin Museum in Warsaw, and ask questions of the guide as they show us around the wonderful exhibits and curiosities of the Chopin Museum in Warsaw. The tour will conclude in the Chopin Museum’s performance space where we will meet pianist Aleksandra Świgut who will give a performance on both modern and period pianos. Aleksandra will introduce her program and will also talk with the audience and answer questions after the concert. A very special experience not to be missed.
Grand Finale Concert
An Afternoon with Ewa Pobłocka and David Pereira in Concert
Hume Conservatorium, Goulburn
A beautiful Sunday afternoon concert in Historic Goulburn at the Hume Conservatory with two world class musicians, Ewa Pobłocka and Canberra’s own, cellist David Pereira.
A beautiful program of solo and chamber works of Bach, Beethoven, Chopin, Kats-Chernin.
Festival Package (all events) $250pp
OR select an individual event
Concert: 3pm-4:30pm
Refreshments: 4:30pm-5:30pm
Gala Opening Concert
Embassy of the Republic of Poland, Canberra
28 Sep, 7pm-9pm $100pp
ANU School of Music, Canberra
29 Sep, 10am-2pm
30 Sep, 10am-2pm
2 Oct, 10am-2pm
$10pp per session (observe)
Interactive Live Tour of the Chopin Museum in Warsaw
& Concert
James Fairfax Theatre
National Gallery of Australia
30 Sep, 7pm - 9pm $80pp
Grand Finale Concert
Hume Conservatorium, Goulburn
1 Oct, 3pm-4:30pm $40pp

Festival Prelude Program
Mazurka in A minor, op.17 no.4
Etude in A flat major, op.25 no.1
Prelude in E minor, op.28 no.4
Waltz in F major, op.34 no.3
Waltz in A minor, op.34 no.2
Fantasie Impromptu, op.66
Etude in G sharp minor, op.25 no.6
Scherzo in E major, op.54
Nocturne in E flat major, op.9 no.2
Berceuse in D flat major, op.57
Sonata in B minor, op.58
Gala Opening Concert
Polonaises, Op.40
Nocturnes, Op.27
Impromptu in A-flat major, Op.29
Ballade in A-flat major, Op.47
Mazurkas, Op.17
Polonaise in F-sharp minor, Op.44
Chopin Museum Recital Program
Fryderyk Chopin
Nocturnes op. 27 nos 1 and 2
Franz Liszt
Liebestraum no 3 in A-flat major
Gretchen am Spinnrade
Aus dem Wasser zu singen
Fryderyk Chopin
Sonata in B minor Op.35
Prelude: B minor Op.28 no 16
Prelude: D flat major Op.28 no 15
Edvard Grieg
Arietta op.12 no 1
The Heart of the Poet Op.52 no 3
Notturno Op.54 no 4
Hommage á Chopin Op.73 no 5
Karol Szymanowski
Masques Op.34: Schéhérazade
Fryderyk Chopin
Varations la ci darem la mano Op.2
Franz Liszt
Tarantella in G minor (from Années de pèlerinage II: Venezia e Napoli)
Grand Finale Program
J.S. Bach
Viola Da Gamba Sonata in D Major, BWV 1028
Cello sonata No.4 in C major, op.102 no.1
Manuel De Falla
Suite Populaire Espagnol
Elena Kats-Chernin
Blue Silence
Fryderyk Chopin
Introduction and Polonaise for piano and cello
Elena Kats-Chernin
Remember Bialystok
Festival Artists
Alexander Yau (fortepian)
Alexander Yau, wybitny młody australijski pianista, rozwinął się jako wszechstronny muzyk, wykorzystując swoje liczne muzyczne talenty jako kameralista, wokalista, dyrygent i kompozytor.
Jako solista występował z Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Queensland Symphony Orchestra i SBS Youth Orchestra w pierwszych trzech koncertach Rachmaninowa, a także w potężnym II Koncercie Brahmsa z Sydney Conservatorium Orchestra. W 2020 roku założył własną orkiestrę kameralną i dyrygował Koncertem nr 1 Mozarta. 23 z fortepianu w koncercie inauguracyjnym. Zdobył czołowe nagrody na Międzynarodowym Konkursie Koncertów Fortepianowych w Hastings, Międzynarodowym Konkursie Pianistycznym im. Fryderyka Chopina w Australii, Konkursie im.
Występował solo i kameralnie na Canberra International Music Festival w Australii, FOCUS Festival w Nowym Jorku, International Mendelssohn Akademie w Lipsku, Villa Reale we Włoszech, Ambasadzie RP w Australii, City Recital Hall Angel's Place, Troldhaugen w Norwegii, Pawilonie Australijskim w Shanghai Expo i Alice Tully Hall w Lincoln Center w Nowym Jorku. W tym roku wydał swój pierwszy album we współpracy z klarnecistką Deborah de Graff, na którym znalazły się jego własne kompozycje oraz utwory innych australijskich kompozytorów.
Alexander uzyskał tytuł magistra w Juilliard School u prof. Mattiego Raekallio. Obecnie pełni rolę współpracującego personelu fortepianowego w Sydney Conservatorium of Music i personelu muzycznego na kontrakcie w niepełnym wymiarze godzin z Opera Australia. Będzie pracował jako asystent dyrygenta dla Madame Butterfly przy produkcji w Sydney Harbour w 2023 roku.

Rachel Siu (wiolonczelista)
Opisany jako „nieustraszony” przez Yo-Yo Ma w wywiadzie dla South China morning post, Australijczyk
urodzona jako Rachel Siu odcisnęła swoje piętno na całym świecie. Rachel zaczęła się uczyć
wiolonczelę w wieku pięciu lat u Renata Jusupowa. Ukończyła zarówno Bachelor of Music, jak i
Magister muzyki pod kierunkiem Joela Krosnicka w The Juilliard School, gdzie ona
był stypendystą Kovner Fellow i laureatem nagrody im. Williama Schumana za rozpoczęcie
wybitne przywództwo i osiągnięcia podczas jej pobytu w Juilliard. Jej poprzedni nauczyciele
obejmują Petera Rejto i Susan Blake.
Od debiutu jako solistka w wieku siedmiu lat w ratuszu w Sydney, Rachel jest zapraszana
występować na całym świecie zarówno jako solista, jak i kameralista, a także występował solo z wieloma
orkiestrami, w tym Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra, The Juilliard Orchestra i LGT
Young Soloists, pracujący pod batutą takich dyrygentów jak Thomas Adès i Long Yu. Ona
bywał jako wykonawca w miejscach takich jak Carnegie Hall, Elbilpharmamonie, Sydney Opera
House, Alice Tully Hall, Xinghai Concert Hall, Royal Albert Hall i Musikverein.
Rachel jest także laureatką wielu nagród, w szczególności Złotego Medalu na VIII Dawidowym Konkursie
Poppera na Międzynarodowym Konkursie Wiolonczelowym na Węgrzech i był zwycięzcą The Juilliard School
Konkursie Koncertowym w 2017. Była także laureatką IX Carlos Prieto International
Konkurs Wiolonczelowy w Meksyku.
Rachel obecnie pracuje jako wykładowca w Sydney Conservatorium of Music – University
z Sydney i jest członkiem LGT Young Soloists oraz australijskiego Streeton Trio.

David Pereira
Australian born in 1953 David lived in rural NSW until moving to Sydney in 1969 to pursue specialised musical studies. He graduated from Sydney Conservatorium in 1974 and spent 1976-79 at Indiana University, USA. Invited back (1980) to play principal cello in the Australian Chamber Orchestra and to join the Australia Ensemble he again was based in Sydney. From 1987 to 1989 he was contracted by the Sydney Symphony Orchestra to play Principal Cello. In the nineties and until 2007 he was Senior Lecturer (cello) at the Canberra School of Music (later called the ANU School of Music). Since then he has been part-time employed at that institution.
David is well established as one of Australia’s most significant practicing musicians and has an increasingly rare depth and breadth of experience and knowledge - not only as a cellist and cello teacher, but also as a writer on these areas of expertise, and as a composer. Once again a freelance musician, he enjoys the interaction of these branches of music and lately has made an important personal connection with Yoga practice, thereby adding an unexpectedly welcome new dimension to his cello technique. He continues to prefer the rigor of daily cello practice and celebrates his good fortune in still having a mind, body, and heart, well suited to this exacting and rewarding activity.

Kotaro Nagano
Born on 29 October 1988 in Tokyo, Kotaro trained under Dang Thai Son and is now a student of Claudio Soares. He has won prizes in numerous competitions including the J-city Tokyo Cembalo Pleasure 2014 (First Prize, Harpsichord), the Osaka International Music Competition (Third Prize, Harpsichord), the Taipei Chopin Competition (First Prize, Piano), the Australian International Chopin Piano Competition (First
Prize, and People’s Choice Prize, Piano), the Halina Czerny-Stefanska Competition in Poznań (Second Prize, and prize for the best performance of a Nocturne by Chopin, Piano), and the Tokyo Piano Competition (First Prize, Piano).
Kotaro has worked with symphony orchestras in Tokyo, Kaohsiung and Poznań and with the Łomża Chamber Orchestra. He has performed in cities across Japan as well as in Warsaw, Krakow, Łomża, Montreal, Taipei, Kaohsiung, Sydney and Aix-en-Provence. With the Poznań Philharmonic Orchestra, Kotaro performed at the Antonin Chopin Festival. Since winning First Prize and People’s Choice award at the second edition of the Australian International Chopin Piano Competition in 2014, Kotaro has returned to Australia numerous times to perform at events including the Canberra International Music Festival, the Polish
Festival in Melbourne and a number of recitals at the Australian National University organised by Friends of Chopin Australia. In Japan, Kotaro was appointed as a member of the “Hachioji City Special Cheering Squad” to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of their municipal government in 2017. Hachioji is Kotaro’s home town and he appeared in many festivals throughout the year. He was also appointed to be a special envoy for tourism to Hachioji City in 2019.
Kotaro was invited to perform at the Polish Embassy in Canberra to celebrate the bicentenary of Polish composer Moniuszko’s birth in March 2019. Kotaro accompanied the Japanese violinist, Jin Matsuno in his latest CD which was released in May 2019 and received a good review. Kotaro is also an accomplished harpsichord player and makes and sells various types of harpsichords.

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